Monday, October 15, 2012

How are Video Games and Bullying Related?

Video Games and Bullying

   A debate that started many years ago and that continues to be present today is the questioning if violent video games promote and encourage youth aggression, more specifically, bullying. Many researches had been made, yet it is not clear nor accurate if there is a relation between violent games and the acts of bullying. These games had been blamed to cause and promote violent actions and behaviors in people (shootings, bullying and others), mentioning that they expose gamers to violence, stimulate and reward them and ultimately make them believe that violence is the best way to solve problems. However, other studies concluded that video game maturity and violence were related and connected with bullying and cyber-bullying. They explain that the over exposure of children to these gore games can lead to aggression, since they prevent the development and growth of empathy and compassion for others. According to investigators in Simmons College (published in 2011), kids between the ages of 7 and 15 who tend to play a lot of violent video games have the view and belief that some form of violence is good and acceptable in society. They also mention that most of the existing violent video games do not show any perspective of the victim's situation, taking away the chance to develop sympathy for the other people. Parents also have their own opinions. A research in 2001 reports that violent video games are supposedly the second cause of aggressive behavior. 

   On the other hand, the ones who defend these destructive video games affirm that just because their children play video games does not mean that they will likely be violent, emphasizing on the fact that many who play those games do not show any sign of aggressive behavior. Many others support this by explaining that the gamers were able to recognize and divide the world of video games and real life, especially in the aspect of violence and gore. A study made by psychology, psychiatry and child development doctors say that most of the aggression in young people are the result of a person's trait aggression and stress level and that video games are not entirely responsible for the violent actions. They support that no concrete relation has been found between the two. On the contrary, they explain that violent video games reduce aggression, since they serve as a punching bag, a substitution and way to let out anger and frustration without harming others. They also say that the only relation present is that naturally aggressive kids are attracted to violent games.

   There had been many tragedies that have occurred, which were linked, with or without proof, to violent video games. The first one was a shooting in West Paducah in 1997, where a 15 year old student killed three students and injured five. It is said that he played violent video games, since the location and spots he shot his victims were accurately in the head or the upper chest. However, there hasn't been any real proof. Another one took place in Jonesboro School in 1998. Two boys, (eleven and thirteen years old) killed four people and wounded ten. These were linked to video games, and this time they had proof. Both kids were constant violent video gamers, and they shot their victims from the woods next to the school. Two other shootings occurred, one in Columbine School and in Virginia Tech. However, it is proven that these shooters were not exposed to violent video games, especially the second one. 

     This controversy is still debated today and has not found the real answer yet. Many support that video games are related to bullying, while others are against it. There are researches that support both, giving more doubt about the credibility and accuracy of these studies. This conflict will stay present for many years to come. It all depends on what parents and guardians decide to do for their children that will make a difference or not.

Good night!



For more information from the sources I used, check out these links:

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