Monday, October 22, 2012

About Joseph McCarthy

   American politician Joseph Raymond McCarthy was the Republican U. S. Senator from 1947 to 1957(death) of the state of Wisconsin. He was greatly known for his ideas they there were many Soviet and Communist spies and supporters in the United States federal government. During his era, many people were falsely punished, attacked, accused and imprisoned because they were believed to be Communist or supporters. Others lost their employment and their careers were ended. McCarthy used these reasons to accuse and and attack numerous political members and parties inside and outside the U.S. government. Due to his lack of proof about his claims, he was censored by the U. S. Senate. He died in 1957 due to hepatitis, which is believed to be caused by his alcoholism. 

After he died, an investigation was commenced. It was proven that some people inside the U.S. political department were indeed supporting and helping Soviet purposes and efforts. In the end, many politicians, investigators and historians made McCarthy the object of criticism and ridicule. 

Many people use the term "McCarthyism" began to be used to refer to highly anti-communist groups, associations and parties. It is now defined as the act of accusing because of disloyalty, treason and/or subversion without any kind of proof or evidence. It describes unsubstantiated claims as well as attacks by a demography supported to other political parties and groups.

I am not sure if this is the McCarthy I was supposed to blog about (only wrote the last name). If it is someone else, I will change it as quickly as possible!

Good night!



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