Sunday, October 7, 2012

Flipbook Animation Project

The first flower that appears in my flip book. 

   I was assigned a project in which I had to create a flipbook animation using an already-used book, containing at least 400 pages. In other words, my flipbook had to contain 200 frames. After a lot of hard work (an many hours) I finally finished it. If I had to give it a title, it would be “From Flower to Flower”. To be brief, it begins with lines forming a flower. Then a pollen particle from the flower begins to grow and, as the flower begins to disappear, it transforms into a bird. The bird then flies for some seconds and lands on a tree branch, which was formed as lines joined together. After setting down, the bird turns into a water drop, which then morphs into a fish.  The fish, after falling on water, then turns into some kind of egg, and it falls into a hole. Then another flower appears.

   It is rather simple, but I really liked the concept of the lines forming real-life shapes and movements. I honestly have too much schoolwork these days, and my scanner has not been helpful to me lately. For that reason I took some photos and included them in this post to give a preview and idea of my flip book.

Water drop

Bird getting ready to rest on a tree branch

Fish immersing itself in water

I apologize for the not-so-perfect quality of my pictures.

I really hope you like it!

Have a good day!



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