Monday, October 8, 2012

About Raymond Kurzweil

   Being an American author, futurist and inventor, Raymond "Ray" Kurzweil has written several books about futurism, artificial intelligence, health, transhumanism (the use of technology to enhance human abilities and eliminate aging) and technological singularity(acquiring super-inteligence through technology). In addition, he focuses on optical character recognition, speech recognition, text-to-speechsynthesis technology and futurology. He is most known because of his strong interest and actions regarding futurism and transhumanism, which include his concentration of technologies for life-extension, forecast of future technologies and his passion for the concept of technological singularity. However, he has received many critiques and reclamations from many scientist and people. Derived from Moore's Law, Kurzweil has focused on the concept of increasing rate innovation of technology is happening exponentially and not linearly. He explains that since growth of science and technology have computer founding as one of their bases, improvements in computer studies will result in the later advances to other sciences and studies, like biotechnology, and nanotechnology. Also, Kurzweil has made many predictions on his books about future technologies, with specific dates. One example in that in 2050, improvements in medicine and healthcare will enable humans to extend their life span while maintaining a good life quality using nanobots (extremely molecular-small robots). He shares that he believes that nanotechnology will be able to find the solution to serious global difficulties, like hunger, poverty, disease and weather risks. Kurzweil also predicted the use of wireless computer systems, the growth of content in the internet, that many documents and information would be stored only in computers and more. He predicts that computer intelligence will definitely surpass human intelligence by all means and concepts. According to Kurzweil, 102 out of 108 predictions he made were correct by the end of 2009. In other words, most of his predictions were accurate and correct.

^ Ray Kurzweil on coming singularity. ^

   ^ Very interesting...^

Good night!



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