Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Xerox Project

   Hi everyone! The most recent Art and Technology assignment is called "The Xerox Peroject". It consisted on scanning parts of your body (face, hands, arms, feet, etc) and creating a work of art using those scans. It could be a 2-D (2x3 feet) or 3-D. After seeing some examples that the professor gave in class, I got an idea. Since I am a "go green" person, I had kept all of the mail package boxes that my family had sent me throughout the semester under my bed. I decided to use two of the larger ones for my project, since I would also be recycling. To be honest, I had no idea what to do as my project, design-wise. Since I have a printer at my dorm room, I began to scan some parts of my face to see if I gat any ideas or inspiration to base my Xerox project on. I was brainstorming, sitting on my room desk, when I saw my Flipbook Project. That was when I obtained my inspiration: I would create my Xerox Project designed based and inspired by my two previous Art and Technology assignments! From the Flipbook, I took the concept of the flower, while from the Grid Art, I chose the image of the peacock. I would do each design on one of the sides of the boxes respectively. Then, on the two remaining smaller sides, I would just create a simple style or collage-style design. I admit that it was a lot harder than I thought! Anyways, I hope you like it! 

   Here are a couple of photos:

I truly hope you like it as much as I do!

Good night!



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