Monday, November 26, 2012


   If anyone is interested in learning more about the scopitones, watch earlier music videos (films) and many more, he or she should check out This internet site shows many early music videos (from many places around the world), books and news about them, information about the cinebox, scopitones, film and television and many more.  Many other categories, especially related to the scopitones, can be found and are very useful. For example, a definition for the scopitone is given, which is a French machine, constructed in 1916, that holds 35 reels of 60-minute films and allows any of these films to be projected unto a screen. News related to scopitones are also available through this site, as well as opportunities for actually buying one. The best feature about this site is that it contains many early music videos, when special effects were barely used and only one camera as used to record. In many aspects related to this amazing machine, contains useful information and applications about these topics. 

   Here are some photos of scopitones:


   Here are some of the videos that can be found on the site:

Here is the link to

Have a good night!



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